Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Has "Let It Go" , become like every child's theme song since the movie Frozen, came out in the theater?

In the shower. Every. Single. Night.  Anyone else? Please tell me I'm not alone.

Don't get me wrong.  I enjoy hearing the unbridled, untamed, exuberant gusto in which the song is sung, but I had to agree with Abby last night, as she pounded on the wall, pleading with her twin sister, "Bella, PLEASE STOP!! ANY song but THAT one."

However, I'm pretty sure, that Bella can not and will not be stopped.  This is the same kid, who just last week, after being offered to go watch Captain America at the movies (which I highly recommend, strictly, for the story line, of course), explained to me, "Well Mom, I'm really feeling like I would rather stay home to paint.  Yesterday, I started a painting at counseling, and I would like to work on that."

You see, Monday is "Mental Health Day" in Walsh Land, as we have been so blessed to get in with counseling through Hospice of the Valley.  I continue to be humbled and amazed at the support that we have received on this journey.  The girls have been quick to recognize that there are several perks to therapy: getting pulled from school early, making a memory box for Nana, painting, or playing with sand (depending on your age),  and of course, the contemplative one on one time in the car, as Mama drives you to and fro.

On a glorious Wednesday during Spring Break, the sun shone high in the sky, beckoning us to the beach.  As we drove over the summit on Highway 17, I asked Cosette, "Baby, what is your favorite part about the ocean?"  She contemplated for a good 30 seconds, and answered, "Well Mama, you know how the waves hit the shore?  It sounds like music to me.  Do you know what I mean?"

Yeah baby, I know exactly what you mean.

As I stepped out of the shower, still damp, and not completely dried off, Charlotte stood there in the foggy bathroom, examining my naked body.  Pointing to my chest, she inquired, "Mom, how did you get those rubies?"  I think she meant, boobies.  But I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Just yesterday, Charlie stood in the hallway, donning a new pair of flip flops, hand on her hip, and asked, "Mom, do these look okay with this outfit, or bad?"  SHE IS 3!!  Never mind, the fact, that just minutes later, Abby took her to the park, only to discover that Charlotte wasn't wearing underwear, as she slid down the slide.  But she WAS wearing flip flops!!!

She is coming along, that one there.  Being the fifth in line, I'm pretty sure that one day she'll rule the world.
I appreciate any prayers sent my way now, to prepare me for the endurance of Charlotte's teen years.  I have done the math, and by the time Charlie is 17, I will be 56, so you will most likely find me lying in a heap on the floor, in the fetal position, mumbling awesome parenting advice, like, "If you drink honey, don't drive.  Get a cab.  And please practice safe sex, okay?"

Speaking of excellent parenting, Tom and I decided that Abby, Bella and Emma were ready to watch The Passion of the Christ, with us, the night before Easter.  If that doesn't scar them, and put them into therapy as adults, I'm almost positive something else that we have done, will.

After discussing it at length, we both came to conclusion, that there are parts in the movie that are difficult to watch, at any age.  However, The Passion, in particular for me, gave new meaning to the phrase I have heard throughout the entirety of my Catholic career.   "He suffered, died, and was buried."  Watching it, makes what he did, real to me.  And because Foxy did suffer, and especially more so, at the end,  it eased my burden, to observe what Jesus went through.

Easter was the first holiday without her.  Honestly, I wasn't sure, how I would handle it.  What would I wake up feeling?  Would I be missing her terribly?

Yet, I woke up with a sense of new life.  New hope.  He is Risen!  For you.  And for me.  For all of us.

I think a dear friend of mine, described it best, when she said, "Foxy is like an LSU Freshman at Mardi Gras right now!  She is having a blast."

And being a party girl, myself, I find the visual to not only make me chuckle, but to give me comfort, hope, and renew my faith that my Mama is dining at the table of the Lord.

This is the day he hath made.  Let us rejoice and be glad!