"Mama, was Charlie a planned baby or a surprise baby?" Cosette asked between bites of Cheerios, one day this past week.
"Um, she is a bit of both," I answered honestly, "Daddy and I were surprised that we were having her,"
(WHY that came as a shock to Tom or me, while using the Natural Family Planning Method, and after sharing a bottle of wine on DAY 13 -the most fertile day for most women - in my cycle, is beyond any logical comprehension), "But God definitely had a plan for her to join our family," I finished up my explanation nice and neat, like.
One must be careful with the info that is given to the siblings... I'm already flashing forward to the near future, as Cosette is screaming at her baby sister for some sort of injustice that has taken place. Perhaps after Charlotte has ruined a Lego house, stolen a Barbie from her grips, or chucked a rock at her head for some unknown reason, with Cozy yelling frantically, "You weren't even PLANNED!!! You were just a SURPRISE."
This in turn, I'm convinced, will lead Charlotte to counseling in her early 20's.
As Abigail was holding Charlie on her lap, I just couldn't get over the resemblance between the two. Not that I even remember what the hell Abby looked like at that age. Shit, I don't remember much of the twins early existence. But there are some pictures floating around, that do indeed prove, they're mine. And yes, with this picture proof, Abby at six months old, looks a lot like Charlotte. It's like creepy, eerie, and strange just how much those two in particular, resemble each other.
After sharing this revelation with Abby, she said, "Well Mom, you know how Bella and I grew inside of you? This is how I think it goes...we left a little piece for the next baby. So Emma got it. And then Em left a little piece for Cosette. And well," she sighed, looking down empathetically at Charlotte, "Sorry Charlie, I don't think your little piece is gonna work out for another baby."
It was almost enough to make me want to bring life into the world once again. NOT.
What I've found is this: when the thought of having another child repulses you/scares the shit out of you, as a woman, you are officially done reproducing. And that, my fellow readers, is where I'm at. I can just hear you all applauding right now from the privacy of your own home computers. Yes, the game is over. The store is closed. Nicely put, our family is complete.
And that's a good thing, considering I almost killed Isabella on Monday. For the second time in the past 6 months, Bella left her glasses in a spot, where the spectacles were smashed into a tangled mess by another person's feet.
The first time, she got a time out, and a talken to. The second time, I SAW RED.
"Bella, you need to come up with PLAN of how you will take care of your GLASSES. And you are not to come out until dinner. I'm too angry to even discuss it with you rationally right now."
And I wasn't kidding. I find it somewhat comical though, when after hearing Mama's angry wrath, everyone else who IS NOT in trouble, makes sure to stay the hell out of my way.
Abby, Emma and Cosette played Calico Critters with each other in hushed whispers, like good girls who are scared of what their mom will do, if hypothetically speaking, they ask for a snack, or something of the sort. Their eyes, darting up every now and again, to make sure it was safe, for example, to use the bathroom.
After getting the other girls situated with dinner, I decided I was in my right mind to speak with Bella without completely losing it.
"Bella, do you know how much glasses cost? Do you know how hard Daddy works to pay for them so that you can do your best at school? What is your plan to take care of them?" I asked in a somewhat Zen tone.
"Well, I can put them into my case when I'm done wearing them," she answered.
"That's a FABULOUS idea. But this time, you are going to pay for the damage to the glasses. You will be responsible for it, because by the looks of them, I'm not sure if they are repairable," I was really trying to drive the point home.
Her lip started to quiver, eyes welling up with tears. "But HOW am I supposed to do that Mom? I'm just a KID! I don't have a JOB! I don't have that kind of money."
Oh please. She was actually trying the "I'm just a kid" line.
"Your job, Bella, is to be a good student, sister, and daughter, while being responsible for your things. You better get resourceful. Look in your piggy bank and figure it out."
By this time, she was bawling, not knowing how she would move forward with the severity of the spectacle situation.
"Come to the table when you've pulled yourself together. Dinner is ready," and with that, I made my exit out of her room, and onto the couch to nurse Charlie.
Shortly thereafter, Bella joined her sisters at the table, and explained, "Mom said I have to pay to have my glasses fixed," sniffly snot.
Almost immediately, Emma chimed in, "We'll help you Bella. We can have a Lemonade stand."
"And how about a car wash?" Abby added.
"Don't worry Bella, we'll help you," Cosette added.
And for a moment, Isabella, stopped crying. She looked up at her sisters, and understood, that she may have been lost, but now had been found.
And it is my hope and prayer, that when Tom and I meet our maker, and we are now longer here, our girls will love, care, and look out for each other. I believe deeply, that this is the most valuable gift that can be gained from being in this thing called, "family".
I also believe that if Bella's glasses get smashed ONE more time, you will most likely see me on the 5 o'clock news for homicide.
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