Mother's Day, by far, is one of the most significant days of the year for me. My birthday...yeah, it's alright. Anniversary's, yes, an important milestone.
But there is something different about Mother's Day. It's like mothers all around the world are sharing in this one day of appreciation for what we have done, and what we have yet to do.
I had NO IDEA of what my mom did for me until the time I turned 23 years old: the same year I met my husband, and became a step-mom. As I would go about my day to day business with a 9 and 11 year old in the house, I kept having these "a-ha" moments. Parenting was like this Cirque de Soleil balancing act on a high wire, while riding a unicycle, without a net. I fumbled to discipline the kids / be a good listener / make sure the homework was done / keep the house clean / make lunches each day and dinner every night / stock a refrigerator / and recognize each child for their unique differences. I mean, where's the book on how to do that? Where's the damn manual? There isn't one.
I learned quickly that parenting, good parenting, is hard. It is a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice, and exhausts you in ways that are inexpressible in words.
I'm still in awe that my mom let me live past my teen years. I'm not sure that anything my brothers did which preceded me, could really prepare her for my teenage angst. Thinking about it makes me cringe. But I appreciate that she loved me enough, (not to be confused with like), to not kick me out of the house. 'Cause I'm thinking that idea crossed her mind more than once.
On Mother's Day, I feel like I'm part of a very unique sorority of sisters. Sisters of Survival. We have each shared the birth experience, the toddler years, and school age years. I look up to moms who have teenagers and college kids, as my mentors.
And the really good moms, the ones who are confident but humble, they don't tell me how hard it will be in the future. The really good moms just let me vent, while nodding their heads patiently, as I refill their wine glass. The really good moms understand, that no matter what they tell me, it won't really prepare me for what it will be like with MY girls as they get older. Because that experience is unique to each of us.
I appreciate all mama's out there. The Silver Fox, my mother-in-law, my sister-in-laws, aunts who have been like moms to me, (one who has even been present at the birth of all my babies), my justice league of MILFS, and especially, the moms-to-be, and brand new mama's, who are excited, but also scared.
All of us other moms are here to tell you the same thing: it will be okay. The future is uncertain, but it will be okay. Because we are here in the trenches with you, and we understand. And yes, being a mom is really hard, and more exhausting than you ever imagined.
But see, you're part of this new sorority now where strength and love comes in numbers. You are embarking on the greatest, but scariest field trip of your life. But, you know what? Everything really will be okay, because you will never be alone on this journey. You're one of us now. And we're so glad you're here.
Beautifully said!