Thursday, November 18, 2010

Transition: Part II

I'm in official nursing position on the couch, with baby Charlotte in the football hold, and a tumbler of wine riding shot gun in my free hand, when my precious 5 year old approaches.

 As she peers down at my exposed midsection, her eyes glaze over, looking somewhat horrified.  "Mama?" she asks, as she sticks her little hand into my doughy post mama tummy, and watches it disappear entirely, "Yes, baby?" I ask, taking a swig of grape juice.  "Your belly looks biiiig."

Yesiree...the post mama body is not for wimps, let me tell you.   C'mon ladies, you know how this goes. You just pushed out a human being who weighs anywhere from 5 to 12 pounds, which is nowhere NEAR the 25-100 you gained growing him or her.  When you're pregnant, folks love to say, "'s all baby weight."  Well, I'll tell you what.  That's not what my ass is saying right now.

I love how when I'm on a run, my body moves's like a well rehearsed dance, really.  Arms, legs, shoulders back, head held high, music pumping; my body working in synchronicity.

Post baby, it's a whole nother story.  Case in point, I'm wogging the Glen this past week, and I swear, my body betrayed me.  First of all, there was nothing fluid about my movements whatsoever.  It was like each step I took, left me getting slapped in the face by my ginormous lactating breasts, as my ass smacked the back of my neck from behind.

Who's body is this? I asked myself, as I wogged.  It felt like aftershocks from an Earthquake.  That is the closest way I can describe how it felt moving with 25 extra lbs I gotta lose.  It left me thinking that on my next wog, maybe I should wear 5 sports bras...or maybe a corset make of duct tape.  But hey, at least I'm out there, is what you're saying right?  Riiiight.  I want YOU to join me in YOUR corset of duct tape.

Please don't get me wrong.  I'm not beating myself up.  For me, this experience makes me fully appreciate my body and what it can DO...from going on a run, to the most spectacular event of all...creating life.  I have to say, it's a pretty cool ride.

For those of you that were kind of enough to read my last blog, and shower me with words of kindness, support, and unconditional love, you will be relieved to discover that I haven't cried in 3 whole days.  Yes, Ms.Charlotte and I are learning each other's ways.  It's taking a bit of time, but we're both trying to be patient...she, more so than I right now.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out...  God has sent me one perfect little angel to continue to teach and humble me.  And the Biggies, well, they're transitioning, too.  For the most part, the girls have really stepped up to help out.  But each of them have their own way.  Abby, Bella, and Emma enjoy feeding and cuddling with lil Charlotte.  Cosette likes to call 911 when she's feeling the need for attention.

It's all good here in Walsh Land.  Moment by moment.  Day by day.  We all do this dance of life together.  And I thank you for joining us.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part was about lil Charlotte teaching and humbling you. Kids definitely do that, don't they? Thanks for your inspiring words! Hope the nursing is going better. XOXO ML
