Tuesday, February 1, 2011

T.M.I. Stands for...

Do you often find yourself being the recipient of too much information?  You know, people telling you ALL their business...like, even when you never asked.  T.M.I. 'rs come in all forms:   family, friends, or strangers, who may or may not be under the influence of hallucinogens, prescribed medications, alcohol, or their own delusional life.

If you're nodding your head "yes", and referring to my blog, I totally hear you.  I, myself, feel like sometimes I walk that fine line between being really honest, and scaring the hell out of people with my info.

Sometimes though, I believe you can't have ENOUGH info.  Like for example, when your husband has had a vasectomy, and you just had your fifth kid, and you want to see the 3 month sperm count statistics before....well, you know, BEFORE.  Just wanted to make sure you're still with me.

Often, I feel like I'm that friend, who people can trust with anything,  It's a compliment that folks trust me, but sometimes I feel like I could have gone my entire life without that info being disclosed to me...to keep in secret...until I rot in the ground.

 It's a responsibility I don't take lightly.  Let's just hypothetically say, that friend "A" shares some dirt about friend "B".  You know what I do?  I pretend like I had NEVER heard that before, even though I just got off the phone with friend "B".

 I'm like Switzerland, okay?  I don't want to take sides.  I don't think I should have to.  And so, I just play dumb.  Not hard.

Now, I'm a curious person.  I love asking "What's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you?"  to anyone.  My doctor, my dentist, my kid's teacher.   No one is off limits.  And in this case, I'm just asking for people to tell me too much information.  But the stories always end up being memorable.

 For some reason I thought this was an appropriate question to ask the taxi driver on the way home from Boswell's on Saturday night.

 "Have women ever tried to pay you, but don't have the money?"  Wink.  Wink.

He replied, "Yes, and I rather like it."

 To which I quickly responded, "I live riiiiiight here, and I have CASH."

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